He has produced several short films including ‘He Waits’- winner of Best Script LITF Festival 2011 written by Samuel Kingston. Other shorts produced include ‘Effigy Road’ directed by Robert Kelly, short listed for awards at LITFF and ‘Dead Diary’, Look at Me, Backstage- winner of best actor at LITFF and finalist at Offline Film festival, directed by Stephen Rigney.
I have also directed The Duel, finalist at Offline Film Festival 2012, Masterpiece, and more recently The Rosen Bridge, supported by Kildare Arts (Coco), finalist in Borgus Films Influence Hitchcock competition, The Painter and Dandy VS The Hammer. In 2013 I was part of a team of writers working with Kildare County Council, Tim Palmer, David Keating and Ferdia MacAnna in the creation of a new feature film, All About Eva. I was 1AD on the feature. I have also worked on The Vikings, Mrs Brown Boy’s D’movie, Damo and Ivor and Dare to Be Wild. |